18 March 2010 | Megger Ltd
New catalogue from Megger is packed with opportunity
The new Electrical Test Instrument catalogue features new and innovative products not only of interest to electrical contractors but also those looking to diversify make more money.
For added convenience, the catalogue also includes a comprehensive price list. Among the many product highlights in this 36-page publication are the latest PAT320 Business in a Box that provides contractors with everything they need to build a successful business in the lucrative PAT testing market; SCT2000 structured cable certifiers that reduce the cost of entry into the rapidly expanding data cabling sector; and the MFT1553 On-site multifunction tester, which is supplied complete with certification software that can be used on or off site.In addition, the catalogue features individual instruments and kits of instruments for contractors who carry out tests in line with the 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations and Part P of the Building Regulations. Clamp meters and multimeters from the Megger range are also included, along with digital earth testers for evaluating the performance of earthing electrodes and installations.
Another innovative product given prominence is Megger’s MTB7671 meter test box. This provides users with a convenient and cost effective way of checking all key aspects of the performance of their instruments, which is essential to meet the requirements of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
All major products featured in the catalogue are illustrated with colour photographs, and all are accompanied by succinct yet informative lists of key features and benefits. For many of the products, additional descriptive material and application advice is provided.
Copies of the new Megger Electrical Test Instruments catalogue for contractors can be obtained free of charge from authorised Megger distributors, or direct from Megger.