21 April 2010 | Gower Publishing Ltd

Transforming Government and Public Services

Public sector IT-enabled business change programmes to realize benefits often fail to materialize - here are proven tools, techniques and processes to reverse this trend.

''This book distills the learning from practical experience and academic research…and represents a significant contribution to the challenges we face in transforming government and public services in an environment of ever-tighter finances'' − John Suffolk, UK Government Chief Information Officer Major public sector IT-enabled business change programmes are designed to realize benefits in terms of more efficient services, services tailored to the need of citizens, and improved outcomes, but in practice such benefits often fail to materialize or we are unable to demonstrate their delivery - Transforming Government and Public Services provides proven tools, techniques and processes to reverse this trend.

Stephen Jenner explores a number of key themes that are fundamental to an approach to project portfolio management built on value. He explains how to: develop a business case to achieve a desired intent rather than justify a particular solution; create project documentation that is both technically rigorous and gives users a clear understanding of where you are going; treat projects as investments rather than costs; include stage gates with teeth that are closely linked to real performance; plan for success rather than holding people to account for failure; use a single version of the truth principle so there are no arguments about different data.

In a complex, confusing and often highly politicized environment, Stephen Jenner''s Transforming Government and Public Services provides a clear, definitive and highly applied guide for all involved in selecting the right projects and doing them right so that they achieve the intended investment objectives.

Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2010 and receive 20% discount - exclusive to Approved Business - quote discount code G1CNC20 when ordering.

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