22 April 2010 | Gower Publishing Ltd
New from Gower: A Short Guide to Ethical Risk
A Short Guide to Ethical Risk highlights the critical risks for companies who aren''t behaving ethically so they can enhance ethical levels within their organization.
The author, Carlo Patetta Rotta, is a professional with diverse international experience in auditing and fraud. His vast knowledge is shown throughout this guide to provide an overview of the most significant theories of ethics that have impacted today''s business world.It identifies the risks arising from a lack of attention to ethics, particularly in relation to governance, due diligence, reckless business models and other activity that increases exposure to fraud and corruption.
A Short Guide to Ethical Risk is part of the Short Guides to Business Risk series, all competitively priced at £17.99. If you feel your readers would be interested in this forthcoming title (May 2010/£17.99) please contact Michelle at mspencer@gowerpublishing.com requesting a review copy.
Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2010 and receive 20% discount − exclusive to Approved Business − quote discount code G1CNC20 when ordering