05 October 2007 | Environ Skin Care

Environ Appoints Gemma as Skin Analyst

Anti-ageing brand Environ has appointed Gemma Williams to its team of skin analysis advisors, covering customer open events across the southern part of the UK.

Her remit is to provide in-salon skin consultations for Environ customers’ clients using a highly visual and sophisticated analysis system.  The technologically advanced equipment helps to more accurately assess skin condition and enables her to set treatment goals, which can be achieved through recommended homecare products and facials.   

Gemma joins Environ following a successful career at senior beauty therapist level, during which she gained experience working with several leading skin care and body therapy brands and at prestigious London outlets including the Sanderson Hotel’s Agua Spa and Champneys in Piccadilly. 

Gemma says “This new role gives me the opportunity to provide a truly advanced service within an industry that I am passionate about, working with a science-based brand that can truly influence the skin’s functioning to improve it’s health and appearance.” 

Environ Skin Care was developed by respected South African plastic surgeon Dr Des Fernandes to address the effects of UV radiation, pollution, stress and free radical damage.  Extremely effective, Environ salon treatments and homecare products feature scientifically proven active ingredients - vitamin A and antioxidant vitamins C, E and beta-carotene.  

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