15 July 2010 | Megger Ltd

Megger socialises online

Megger is now actively supporting three of the most popular social media websites - youTube, Facebook and Twitter, to provide existing and future customers with an even wider range of options for keeping up to date with the latest development in portable t

“We know that our customers are busy people,” said Julian Grant, Megger’s UK Sales Manager, “so we believe that it is essential for us to offer them the widest possible choice of communications options so that they can choose those that they find most efficient and convenient. Using social media sites also open up new and very useful possibilities, such as allowing us to provide our customers with readily and freely accessible product training videos.”

Regularly updated Megger''s Facebook page provides rapid access to a host of detailed information about the company and its products, also showing videos of how testing should be carried out. Useful diagrams illustrating testing techniques are also featured, and these can be downloaded and printed for easy reference. The Megger Facebook page additionally gives users the option of offering feedback to the company.

On YouTube, Megger has already posted numerous informative videos demonstrating how its instruments can best be used, and frequently adds more. There is also a company overview and even a popular clip that confirms just how robust Megger’s instruments are by showing what happened when one was run over by a contractor’s van!

Subscribers to Megger’s Twitter feed receive regular information not only about new product introductions and other developments, but also about events that the company regularly organises around the country. These include, for example, the highly successful Money Talks! presentations that explain how electrical contractors can increase their turnover and make more profit.

Megger’s contributions to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter can easily be found by visiting the relevant websites and searching, using “meggeruk” as the search term.