20 July 2010 | Stocksigns

A Simple Solution to Fire Safety in Remote Areas − Stocksigns New Air Horn Fire Safety Sign

Fire Safety Sign with integral air horn

On some industrial sites such as construction sites and quarries a conventional fire alarm system is inappropriate due to remote areas, no electrical supply, temporary buildings, amongst other reasons.

Air Horns are a relatively inexpensive way of providing a warning system in case of emergency. Stocksigns, RoSPA’s safety sign partner, have developed a sign mounted Air Horn, as shown above, that may provide the solution where conventional systems are impracticable.
The new sign mounted air horn has already been adopted by leading aggregate company Cemex with a “Best Practice” notice ensuring that the integrated safety sign and air horn is included in their fire safety procedures.

Benefits of the new Air Horn Fire Safety Sign
A simple, inexpensive emergency warning system where conventional alarms and systems are impractical.

·         Visible
·         Inexpensive
·         Ideal for temporary installations and remote areas 

For more information on construction site safety signs or quarry safety signs visit www.stocksigns.co.uk