01 September 2010 | Gower Publishing Ltd

New book: Risky Business

What are the financial and psychological costs of risky behaviour in business to the individuals concerned and their organizations?

Risky Business by Professors Ronald J. Burke and Cary L. Cooper, provides a perspective on addictive behaviours such as gambling, drug taking and even addiction to work; criminal behaviours such as theft and corruption and behaviours such as aggression and violence.

The authors then look at the implications to employee and organizational health within the context of the workplace environment; an environment that is often synonymous with psychological demands, stress, long hours, overwork and shortages of staff or other essential resources.

This is the first book from the Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk series and is an essential guide for occupational psychologists, human resource specialists, risk managers and for researchers in this field.

Risky Business will be published in Hardback on 16th September, priced at £70.00 and will also be available as an e-book.

Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2010 and receive 20% discount − exclusive to Approved Business − quote discount code G1CNC20 when ordering.

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