13 October 2010 | Gower Publishing Ltd

Leadership should not be something only exercised by nominated leaders!

Complex Adaptive Leadership: Embracing Paradox and Uncertainty "Obolensky brilliantly argues the case...excellent practical advice" Philip Sadler CBE, Vice-President, Ashridge Business School

We all seem intuitively to know leadership ''isn''t what it used to be'' but we still cling to old assumptions which look anachronistic in changing and challenging times.

Organisations and their contexts are increasingly paradoxical and uncertain. A broader approach to leadership is needed.

Nick Obolensky has practiced leadership in the public, private and voluntary sectors. He has also researched it, and taught it over many years in leading business schools.

In this exciting book he brings together his knowledge of theory, his own experience, and the results of 15 years of research. Complex Adaptive Leadership is now available from Gower. Order via the Gower website by 31st December 2010 and receive 20% discount − exclusive to Approved Business − quote discount code G1CNC20

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