11 November 2010 | Scaglia Indeva Ltd

Four faced Vacuum Lifter allows different load options

The column mounted Intelligent Assist Device, (IAD), from Scaglia Indeva, is equipped with a four faced vacuum gripper for handling different product types including bags, cases, drums and jars.

The four faced vacuum gripper, featuring a hook for jars and vacuum pads & cups for bags, cases and drums, has been utilised within the warehouse of a chemical processing company, where product handling was required quickly, whilst in a safe and ergonomic way.

Simply rotation of the vacuum gripper face sets the correct face in place for the load type, allowing handling of different loads with virtually no stop time.

In addition, picking loads of different weights requires no stop time for adjusting the system to the new weight as the compact and light weight systems'' auto weight sense and auto balancing adjust to the new weight in real time, effecting easier manoeuvrability.