21 January 2011 | Wall to Wall Communications Ltd

Wall to Wall Commuinications celebrate clients'' FA Cup success

Monday Jan 10th was an exciting day for Wall to Wall as Crawley Town faced Derby County in the 3rd round of the FA Cup.

Crawley is the home of WTWs'' Managing Director, CEO and Company Secretary. The stadium is also a client of Wall to Wall Comms. To add even more tension to this thrilling FA Cup tie, the Company Secretary is also a huge Derby County fan.

As communications experts, the staff at Wall to Wall Comms were prepared for a sold out and busy stadium. They were not disappointed as the Head of Security, David Nightingale, confirmed that the ground was full to capacity with 4500 extremely excitable fans.

Although it was a chilly and very wet night, most fans seemed to be in good spirits and the security team headed by Nightingale, supported by the police and armed with first rate walkie talkies were ready. Broadfields Motorola equipment is maintained on a regular basis and individual users each have an earpiece to aid communications in crowded environments.

The radio equipment was used throughout the exciting match and came into their own when Crawley scored their 2nd goal causing a pitch invasion. The security team were hot on their heels, instructing each other quickly and efficiently using their radios.

Nightingale reported to Wall to Wall staff that he was pleased with the way his team had operated and emphasised how happy he was with the performance of the radios, particularly under such weather conditions.

All fans were generally well behaved and Wall to Wall staff didn’t see any incidents. That is, other than their Company Secretary weeping into his scarf.