09 February 2011 | Tarkett Ltd

Tarkett Balanced Choice Tags − The Green is in the detail

Tarkett is now the only resilient flooring manufacturer to offer total transparency on its green credentials.

Tarkett Balanced Choice Tags have been developed as a set of clear visual indicators to help customers make a balanced choice when specifying flooring. Each tag provides simple, transparent information about the content of every Tarkett product and its impact on the environment.

To be displayed on all product communications, the tags show the percentage proportion of raw materials that are natural and renewable; how much recycled material each product contains and if it can be recycled; and the level of VOC emissions, given as TVOC in μg/m3 after 28 days.

Tarkett’s Balanced Choice tags allow customers to differentiate between products that have generic BRE A+/A ratings for contract applications, which includes all Tarkett’s vinyl and linoleum ranges. The Tags take environmental reporting to a new level by providing clear and precise details on the environmental impact of every Tarkett product.

Tarkett’s ‘Balanced Choice’ approach balances the requirements of individual customers and projects against the need to provide more sustainable flooring solutions. It is based on four key principles: better materials; resource stewardship; people-friendly spaces; and ReUse and recycling.

Tarkett uses renewable and natural materials wherever possible and continues to increase the threshold levels in all of its products. All the company’s facilities are certified ISO 9001 and 14001, and undergo regular independent audits. Energy and water consumption, waste generation and recycling are all closely monitored to ensure continuous improvement in resource management.

Tarkett flooring is systematically evaluated for its contribution to indoor air quality, with all products now offering VOC emissions 10 times lower than any standard in Europe (100 μg/m3). Tarkett’s pioneering PUR surface treatments also help conserve resources by reducing consumption of water, energy and detergents for cleaning.

In addition, customers can actively participate in recycling by joining Tarkett ReUse - the industry’s largest flooring recycling programme. Tarkett collects post-installation waste for reprocessing through its own dedicated facilities and also collects end-of-life flooring for recycling. Tarkett constantly looks for ways to use more recycled content at the start of a product’s life and to recycle more at its end.

Look out for the Balanced Choice tags on all Tarkett product information to help you choose a truly sustainable flooring solution for your next project.