03 March 2011 | Haigh Engineering

Haigh Macerators tested successfully with all leading pulp manufacturers

As the leading independent manufacturer of pulp product macerators, Haigh continually ensure that all pulp disposable items are compatible with the full Sluicemaster range of macerators, Panaway, Classic+ and SOLO.

All the pulp items from pulp product manufacturers on the NHS suppliers list have been extensively and independently tested to be compatible, including items from Vernacare, Carepulp, Medisavers and Enviropulp.

With an ever increasing diverse range of types of pulp item, from the standard bottles, bedpans and kidney dishes, to the tougher washbowls now increasingly available, it is of continued importance to ensure that customers are able to efficiently and hygienically dispose of any such pulp item with complete confidence. Also the increasing choice that is available to customers with regard to the supply of disposable products it is important that the disposal machines are flexible and reliable enough to not limit the customer''s choice of supplier.

Key volume pulp producers have even installed Haigh macerators on site at their production facilities in the UK and overseas to allow spot-testing of current and new pulp products as part of their overall quality process to ensure optimum performance.
With a significant proportion of the UK healthcare market relying on the Sluicemaster range of macerators as part of their waste management programme, this approach is driving increased confidence and reliability through the market, allowing customers to make significant overall savings in the operation of their disposables system.

If you would like to know more about the testing, any of our other products and services, or to get in touch with the team on any matter please feel free to call us on 01989 760 200 or email info@haigh.co.uk

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