25 May 2011 | Pearl Scan Solutions Ltd
Find Out More About What People Think About Your Business Than Ever Before
The trouble with being within your business is just that…you’re inside it.
In that respect you might not see the pitfalls as you are looking inside from within and therefore things can be missed what other people, particular your potential clients and customers, think are problems with your business.For example, you might think that your logo looks absolutely perfect and fits the bill for what your consumers would expect from your company, but many might disagree. They might think it’s too old-school, it’s not contemporary enough or it doesn’t look professional enough.
The same goes for customer service. It’s hard to know if a customer is going to come back if you’re not sure of the kind of service they have received. A high percentage of customers will not come back to a business if they have received rude or even adequate customer service, particularly in the cases of restaurants and hotels.
However there is one simple way to get your customer’s feedback along with the knowledge that you need to see your business from their perspective; surveys.
Now that may seem a little simple and even old hat, but there really is no better way than to survey your customers with simple questions that can make a big difference to your company and the way it operates.
Simple 1-5 questions are usually good, but a text box at the bottom with further comments is even better as quite a few people (especially we the great British public), will tend to tick 5/5 rather than 3/5 if they weren’t satisfied, but felt the service was ok. A box area leaves room for some honest opinions and, more often than not, these add up to you seeing any problems lingering within your business.
Once you have a set of customer service reports, the best thing to do next would be to send them off to a survey scanning company such as us here at Pearl Scan. We take the surveys, scan them into our systems and use our custom built software to analyse where the boxes have been ticked which will then put the results into an easy to understand documents for you or even a presentation with graphs and charts if you prefer. This will save lots of time scouring through them, manually writing data down or adding it into a Word document.
Data entry may also be required for handwritten text, however this is very good value as is the data capture which can be done at a quick rate thanks to our advanced systems, so the price for you stays as low as possible.
You then get the results back however you wish which gives you the chance to look through the results with ease and spend your time doing what truly needs to be done; analysing what needs to be improved and strengthened.
But surveys are not just about finding the problems, they’re also about finding out about what your strengths are and even how you can build on them and simply become the best at what you do.
It’s surprising how few businesses actually use surveys as a marketing item, but more should.
Contact us to find out more about survey scanning by going to our website.