23 June 2011 | Medpage Ltd T/A Easy Link UK
How We Got Our Nights Back
Our lives were personally touched in December by epilepsy. Our youngest son, “E”, was admitted to St. Joseph''s Hospital in Phoenix, after we discovered him having a Tonic-Clonic seizure shortly after midnight, the day after Christmas.
After the standard tests at the hospital, “E” was diagnosed as having ''Benign Rolandic Epilepsy of Childhood'' (BRE). This particular form of Epilepsy causes a person to have nocturnal seizures.How would we cope with this? When we were sent home two days later, I had to find a sleeping solution. I had been told that if he had a seizure and we were not able to give him his medication immediately, he could suffer brain damage. The entire family was nervous about bedtime. The only solution we could think of was to let my 9 year old son sleep with us in our bed.
I had considered letting him continue to sleep in his room using a baby monitor, but you can’t really ‘hear’ a seizure with a baby monitor unless the person screams loudly. I began to research this situation and discovered a bed monitor alarm system was available from overseas in England. I phoned the company in England, talked with a knowledgeable person and decided to buy the system.
We discussed the monitor system with our son. We talked about what it would do and how we thought it would make life ''normal'' again. He expressed a willingness to try it out so that he could return to his own room at night. When the monitor came, we were still nervous and decided that he would have one more night in our bed and the following night he would be alone again in his room.
The next day, we set up the alarm in about 5 minutes. We had him lay in bed and test the alarm himself. Once he realized that the monitor was able to recognize abnormal movements and the alarm pager would warn us loudly enough to wake us up immediately, he was ready to be a big boy again!
My son feels safe knowing we have the bed alarm system, and he loves being back in his own room. The rest of our family feels safe knowing he’s being monitored, even when everyone is sleeping. The monitor can be found at www.easylinkuk.com.