Company details for Weidmuller Ltd

Weidmuller Ltd

  • 0116 (Display number) 01162 823470
Klippon House
Centurion Court Office Park
Meridian East
Leicester Leicestershire LE19 1TP United Kingdom

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About us

Weidmuller provides solutions for electrical connectivity, transmission and conditioning of power, signals and data in industrial environments. 
In order to successfully compete within chosen markets and to meet the growing demands of customers, you need a partner to rely on. Weidmuller is dedicated and has the relevant know how to solve issues with you. As a leading manufacturer of connection components for transmitting energy, signals and data, we are completely dedicated to our customers' requirement during the development of our innovative products.  
Our focus is always customer orientated. As an OEM-provider, Weidmüller sets the worldwide standard in electrical connection technology. Our manufacturing competence in fine mechanics leads the field. The Weidmüller group offers a product portfolio which is customer and market orientated and closely matches the needs of the industrial, process and transport sectors. 

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